No... no need to change your bookmarks. The URL for the WebQuest Portal and QuestGarden will remain the same but the actual server they sit on is moving to a powerful new home. We've outgrown the shared server we've been on since 2002. The symptoms of that are that twice in the last two weeks, our web host has shut off access to the site because too many requests to the database were flooding in at the same time, disrupting things for the other sites on the same server. (Strangely enough, both times that this happened, a class of kids at a parochial school in Minnesota was online).
In any case, with over 18000 registered users, it's time to move on up to bigger iron. Moving all that code and user data is going to be tricky and there will need to be a period of time when the site is unavailable. I anticipate that this will happen sometime around St. Patrick's Day and I'll try to minimize the impact by doing it after midnight, Pacific Time.
Update: The official shutdown time is 12:30 am, Sunday, March 19. With any luck, the site will be back up that evening... but who knows?When we come out on the other side, I hope that we'll have faster performance and more room to grow. Thanks to all of you for the amazing support you've been giving the WebQuest idea.