WebQuest News

News and views about the WebQuest model, a constructivist lesson format used widely around the world.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

QuestGarden Unveiled

Had a sitting-on-the-floor turnout for my session here at NECC, Overcoming Obstacles to Quicker WebQuest Creation. Seems as though much of it resonated with the group. The basic message: creating a great WebQuest the usual way takes too long. We need a better way. So I showed the new authoring environment that will be generally available on September 1. Lots of interest generated. I think I'm on the right track for once.

Powerpoint slides are available here. The archived webcast will be available here tomorrow, they say. People are blogging the conference here.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

WebQuests and Time

For the upcoming NECC conference, I'm going to be presenting an analysis of
what the time-consuming parts of developing a WebQuest are and what
shortcuts people have devised to speed things up. The session will take
place on Tuesday, June 28 at 11am in PACC114 and I hope to see some of you
there. It will also be webcast and archived in case you can't make it.
Here's the session description.

I've been grappling with ways to speed up the development process since the
beginning, ten long years ago. For the last six months I've been working on
a system that I think will make it much easier to create great WebQuests,
and I'll be unveiling it at NECC. I think you'll find it useful.

As part of that session, I'd like to validate my assumptions about where the
bottlenecks are in creating a WebQuest. I've put together a short survey
aimed at educators who have completed the development of a WebQuest. If
you're in that category, I hope you'll take a few minutes to fill it out.
I'll summarize the results in the presentation and make them available on
the NECC site after the session.

Please take a look at the survey and feel free to pass the URL on to others
you know who have created their own WebQuest. The survey can be found at

Thanks for your help and your ongoing enthusiasm!