QuestGarden Wins Award
At the international conference of MERLOT in New Orleans last month, QuestGarden was the recipient of the Teacher Education Classics Award, an honor that the WebQuest Portal received in 2003. MERLOT is a searchable collection of peer reviewed, higher education, online learning materials created by registered members, and a set of faculty development support services. MERLOT's vision is to be a premiere online community where faculty, staff, and students from around the world share their learning materials and pedagogy.
In the words of one of the judges: "The content of this site is both thoughtful and instructive. It considers both technical and pedagogical information as it guides the instructor through process steps for making good and appropriate WebQuest pages, scaffolding the content, and aligning the WebQuest evaluation with its intended task and standards. Furthermore, being able to author a WebQuest in a systematic way, post it immediately to a server, and communicate and question colleagues who are also working on WebQuests offers a support system for ongoing work and development."
And the food was great, too!