I guess WebQuests have truly arrived in the mainstream. There's a lot of buzz around the web about the new
DaVinci Code Web Quest which is part of a viral marketing campaign to promote the movie coming out next May and to sell a few more copies of the book to the handful who don't already have it (mostly cavedwellers in Borneo). The quest is a series of puzzles to solve that start out easy and move on towards impossible.
So that's what a WebQuest is, eh? A sequence of puzzles? I think not. Perhaps the authors of the site would agree since they carefully label it as a "Web (space) Quest".
Give it a try, though. If you like puzzles and word play you'll have fun with it. Just don't call it a WebQuest.
I suppose that I can understand that you posted this link to make a point: Webquests have gone mainstream.
Unfortunately, this book and the hype surrounding both the book and the movie muddy the distinction between truth and fiction. Imagine this -- until recently, our local Barnes & Noble had this work of pure fiction in the "Religion" section!
I wonder if educators in general are circumspect enough to research for themselves before they assign or promote this book for their classes.
I am disappointed to find this link on such a quality site.
In response to anonymous, It is true that "The Da Vinci Code" is not a book of complete truth but I don't see why that would make Dan Brown's web quest of poor quality.
Anyways, I have begun building my own webquest to talk more on the life of Leonardo. I don't mean to advertise it as it will still be under construction for at least a few more weeks and I will need to site some sources for people to find information on Leonardo.
As a side note, this is my first web site.
Who said the book was true, or not true? Let students search and decide for themselves what is and isn't true.
As for "this work of pure fiction"; you obviously haven't read it. Leonardo, the Cathlic Church, the Louvre, Paris; you are right, pure fiction. There is not a shred of truth to it. It is a world of fantasy.
Educators promote reading, learning, questioning. They don't promote a book.
I am somewhat startled that someone would make such a mindless comment. I am not a cave dweller in Borneo, and I have not read this fine work of fiction. I know that there are many who have succumbed to the fancy footwork of a great fiction writer, but I am an academic who weekly presents truth to adults and youth about the truth of the Bible. I have three earned degrees and read many pages of good historical and academic books in a month.
so what would you call it if not a web quest?
Truth seeker...your comments about the truth of the Bible are a little unsettling. Let people enjoy reading, and let it stimulate discussion, EVEN if raises questions about faith, and the role of religion in the world. What better time in history to move people to speak on faith. Don't push personal beliefs, or throw educational attainment around as though you're the end all say all. It's so very interesting that for all you're education you blow around, you can't swallow that the bible still remains a story itself...Fiction/NONFiction...well I believe we're still coming to terms with that aren't we?
My husband a New Testament professor at a State University is often asked about the DaVinci code. He had never read it (and didn't really intend to), but we were going to be traveling overseas and I thought it might be a good time for him to read something popular and quick to read.
He said he would read it if he found it for free. He was SURE someone would give it to him. Time passed with no luck...and then in an airport a stranger said that they had just finished a book and asked if he wanted it. He was sure this would be it... but NO, it was The Borne Identity. Oh well...
He had given up and we returned from our trip. It was Christmas time and my son called. He said that he was bringing a book for his Dad. It had been given to him by someone who was passing it on after others had read it. Each person had written a short review and signed inside the cover... It was the DaVinci code!
So, if you know of someone who wants it next we have a copy that we would hand on for free! It is a page-turner.
I really liked that book. I started and finished it yesterday. I don't even know why I liked it. I would reccomend it to anybody and everybody though! I hope you can and will also!!!
This site is really gay and boring.
No interesting information, and it all bores me to death.
You should just shut it down you ham suckers.
This is sooo not true!!!!!!!!!And why do u care?
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