Upcoming Chat about WebQuest Research
A discussion about WebQuest research will take place next Wednesday, November 12, from 4 to 5pm Pacific Time.
The discussion will be held in the After School Online room at Tapped In (http://www.tappedin.org). You can participate as a guest user, or get yourself a free account on Tapped In and participate in other discussions as well. Registered participants will receive a full transcript of the chat as soon as it's over.
I’m inviting a number of people who have written to me over the years indicating an interest in doing a thesis or dissertation on WebQuests. This will be an opportunity to have an interesting discussion about what research could and should be done and what the challenges are. You might also make some new contacts with kindred spirits who can serve as a sounding board for your own ideas.
I hope you can make it!
Addendum: 28 people from 5 countries participated in the chat. Here's the transcript.